Firmly Planted - Game Vertical Slice Demo

Project Length: 6 Months | Team Size: Group School Project (5 Members) | Tools Used: Unity, Excel, Miro, JIRA  | Role: Systems Design, "Creative Director"

Overview:  A semester-long group project to come up with a game idea, complete pre-production, and create a vertical slice to showcase at the end of the semester.

Level Showcase:

Project Description

Firmly Planted is an isometric, 3D, strategy game where players are presented with a grid and a tree as their base. Players manage the two resources of Sunlight & Water and use them to acquire plants that they can place down on the grid to expand their ecosystem starting from the tree. 

Their goal is to spread their plants across the grid and reach the house where the humans live, and build up enough resources to consume the house. Once they get close enough, the humans will start to counterattack until they destroy the tree controlling the player’s ecosystem. Players can place defence plants on the grid to fight back against the humans and delay them from destroying the tree until they get enough resources to overtake the house and win.

Game Playthrough

Desktop 2023.12.28 - - Trim.mp4

Design Process: 

Tasks & Responsibilities:



Figure 01: This image showcases the first iteration of my pitch to the team for our plant types system and a few of the plants that we ended up implementing into the game

Challenges & Takeaways:

