Isolated - Singleplayer Titanfall-Inspired FPS Mission

Project Length: 2 Months | Team Size: Solo Project | Tools Used: Unity, FPS-Engine Asset Pack | Role/s: Level Design, Systems Design, Narrative Design

Overview:  A movement/parkour single-player FPS level, made in Unity, set in my concept for Titanfall 3 campaign.

Level Showcase:

Mission Narrative:  In this story mission, players take control of an unnamed Militia pilot left in a collapsing and flooding city on an unnamed planet abandoned by both factions after the end of the Frontier War. Left with no titan and few weapons, they must escape the remnants of the city still under IMC control and find both their titan and the remaining Militia troops; otherwise, their hopes of escaping the planet and returning to the Frontier would be futile. 

This blockout contains the first 1/4 of the mission, where players are tasked with escaping from the IMC camps located within the city. Their goal is to reach the gates leading out of the city which would lead into the next section of the level. 

Level Playthrough


Design Goals

Subtle Guidance & Smooth Flow:

 I wanted each encounter to smoothly transition into the next by foreshadowing the next encounter and allowing players to use their intuition to figure out how they need to get there while offering areas that are still linear enough to funnel the player to where they're supposed to go. Since this is meant to be a story mission, allowing some non-linearity is good for the player experience, but the design is still meant to lead all players to the same area at the end of an encounter.

 Multiple Approaches to Encounters:

 I wanted to try designing each beat in a way that presents players with an area where they can see most (but not all) of that section of the level and give them the chance to decide their approach. While the intention is still to guide them towards the next level beat, I wanted to offer subtle ways that players can use their own style during traversal-focused sections of the level and in combat-focused sections by offering cover-to-cover areas that encourage stealth or slower-paced tactical fighting while still having an environment that players can sprint and zip through to quickly take out enemies guns-blazing if they want to.

Recreating the "Titanfall Feeling": 

One goal that I knew would be a challenge to take on was to modify the asset pack character controller and re-balance some of its values to feel more slick and fast like pilots do in Titanfall since the aim was to design a level experience that feels like a Titanfall campaign mission. By playtesting and tinkering with the player's movement stats, I was able to get pretty close to the feeling while adding my own flair (triple boost jump.)

Level Design Process: 

Level Pre-Production:

Figure 01: First Draft Sketch

Early Prototyping & Testing:
