The Twin Pines Raid - "Ready Or Not" Custom Mod Map

Project Length: 3 Months | Team Size: Solo Project | Tools Used: Unreal Engine 4, Environment Art Asset Packs  | Role: Level Design

Overview:  A mod map for the game Ready or Not, made in Unreal Engine 4.27, using a fan-made unofficial modding template.

Level Showcase:

Project Goal

My goal with this project was to familiarize myself with the unofficial modding tools to make maps for Ready or Not. The community of this game is amazing and eager to create modded content for the game before its 1.0 release and the release of official modding tools, and since I discovered them, I knew I wanted to jump in and learn how to use them to make some cool stuff. This level was also really good level design practice as I love tactical shooters and this allowed me to design and experiment with a project that can be tested and played in a complete and finished game.

Level Playthrough

Ready Or Not 2023.12.14 - - Trim.mp4

Design Goals

This was my first experience designing specifically for a slower-paced tactical shooter. I love tactical shooters and have always wanted to experience designing in this sub-genre of FPS, I wanted to use my prior knowledge of different games in this sub-genre, as well as the hours I've played of Ready or Not, to influence my design decisions so I can make a map that flows and feels like an official map.

One of my main focuses from the start of this project was to see how I could design a map that felt like it could be an official map while also having a setting that was different from the rest of the game's levels. Currently, there's only one other level that's somewhat similar to Twin Pines, but I think I've captured that feeling of a familiar flow and a newer setting, as well as adding some contextual environmental hazards that aren't seen in the other levels to force players to rethink their strategies and positioning.

This was mostly a personal project, but I used the format of my school's semester and deadlines to follow a formal pipeline of development by starting from pen and paper along with real-world reference research and then moving on to creating diagrams and a level design document before getting into greyboxing the level and adding to the level based on playtests. Another related design goal I had was to design a level with a formal art pass as part of the process. All of my other projects are still blackouts or have minimal art to get the themes across but since this is playable in an actual game, the art pass mattered more this time around. 

Level Design Process: 

Map Pre-Production:



Figure 01: First Draft Sketch

Early Prototyping & Testing: